After a graded item is returned in class or in Sakai, any requests for reviewing the grade must be submitted in writing with the graded item within 1 week.
Percentage | Letter Grade |
91+ | A |
89-90 | A- |
87-88 | B+ |
77-86 | B |
75-76 | B- |
73-74 | C+ |
62-72 | C |
60-61 | C- |
50-59 | D |
Below 50 | F |
Date | Topic | Details |
Tue 01/14 | Intro; Bootloaders | GitHub Username Survey Intro Slides |
Thu 01/16 | Bootloaders & Binary File Format | OS Repository In-Class Activity:BIOS Calls | GitHub Repo Debugging Programs (video) Linux Tools (video) Further Reading:
Tue 01/21 | ASM Intro, BIOS, Bootloaders | Homework 1 Assigned: Terminal Driver | rprintf.c rprintf.h |
Thu 01/23 | C Refresher | Further Reading |
Tue 01/28 | Polling I/O | Further Reading: |
Thu 01/30 | Interrupts | Further Reading |
Tue 02/04 | Supervisor Mode and Privileged Operations | Homework 1 Due Homework 2: Input/Output | Keyboard Map | interrupt.c | interrupt.h | OSDEV Further Reading: kernel.ld |
Thu 02/06 | Memory & Memory Allocation | In-Class Activity: malloc Fun | GitHub Repo Further Reading: |
Tue 02/11 | Memory & Memory Allocation | Further Reading: |
Thu 02/13 | Virtual Memory & Paging | Homework 2 Due Homework 3 Assigned In-Class Activity: Paging | GitHub Repo Further Reading: |
Tue 02/18 | Virtual Memory & Paging | Quiz 3 Practice Video: MMU |
Thu 02/20 | Setting up the MMU on the 386 | Homework 4 Assigned |
Tue 02/25 | Syscalls | MMU Quiz Homework 3 Due Further Reading: |
Thu 02/27 | Filesystems | Activity: Raw Syscalls | GitHub Repo Filesystem Slides ELF File Format |
Tue 03/04 | Spring Break: No Class | |
Thu 03/06 | Spring Break: No Class | |
Tue 03/11 | Filesystems | |
Thu 03/13 | The FAT Filesystem | Homework 4 Due Homework 5: FAT FS Driver | ide.s | ide.h | fat.h Further Reading: |
Tue 03/18 | More FAT Filesystem | Further Reading: Activity: Filesystems 1 |
Thu 03/20 | More More FAT Filesystem | Activity: Filesystems Part 2 |
Tue 03/25 | More More More FAT Filesystem | In Class Activity: pthreadexample.c | Coordinate Rotation Threading Lab |
Thu 03/27 | Processes | Homework 5 Due Project Proposals Due | Project Proposal Guidelines |
Tue 04/01 | Processes II | Activity: Containers from Scratch In-Class Activity: Write a Shell! | shittyshell.c | GitHub Repo |
Thu 04/03 | Scheduling | |
Tue 04/08 | Threads | |
Thu 04/10 | Threads II | Homework 4 Due elf.h |
Tue 04/15 | Containers | interrupt.c | interrupt.h signal.c |
Thu 04/17 | Virtualization | |
Tue 04/22 | Peer Evaluation | |
Thu 04/24 |