1. Download the Linux 64-bit DEB installer (or 64-bit ARM DEB installer) from: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink $ sudo dpkg -i JLink_Linux_V812_arm64,deb 2. Install cross compiler sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi bzip2 make exuberant-ctags 3. Get the base project and compile: $ wget https://neilklingensmith.com/teaching/loyola/cs445-s2025/homework/rw612.tar.bz2 $ tar xjf rw612.tar.bz2 $ cd rw612 $ make 4. Load the base project on the MCU: (a) In one terminal, run JLinkGDBServerExe - Connection to JLink: USB - Target device: RW612, Little Endian - Target interface: SWD (b) In a second terminal, run `gdb rw612.elf` (gdb) target remote localhost:2331 (gdb) load (gdb) layout src (gdb) s You should see your program step through.