
  • Course meets Monday & Wednesday from 4:15-5:30 PM in Cuneo Hall 116
  • This is an upper level course that teaches the basics of computer operating systems.
  • The schedule on this page lists the topics we will cover by date.

Office Hours

  • Doyle 309
  • Office Hours Wednesday 1-2:15 PM
  • Or by appointment
TA Eyad Fallatah


  • Treat this course like a job where you are trying to get promoted. If you show up and do your work, you will get a good grade.
  • Each person will get five slop days to turn in assignments late. You can use up to two days per assignment.
  • No partial credit for code that does not compile.
    • Homework: 40 %
    • Quizzes: 20 %
    • Final Project: 40 %
    Percentage Letter Grade
    91+ A
    89-90 A-
    87-88 B+
    77-86 B
    75-76 B-
    73-74 C+
    62-72 C
    60-61 C-
    50-59 D
    Below 50 F

Scheduling Conflicts

  • If you have a (legitimate) scheduling conflict with a quiz or exam, it is possible to schedule a makeup session. You must let me know at least two weeks prior to the quiz/exam date. Legitimate scheduling conflicts include religious observances.
  • LUC's academic calendar can be found here.

Mandatory Reporter Statment

  • Each faculty and staff member at Loyola University Chicago is required to report any incidents of gender-based misconduct that they are made aware of, even if it happened in the past. Gender-based misconduct includes discrimination based on actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or pregnancy or parenting status; dating and domestic violence; sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation); and stalking.


  • No collaboration is permitted on exams or quizzes.
  • Collaboration, but not copying, is encouraged on homework assignments. If you obtain a solution through research, e.g., in the library or online, cite your source completely and write up the solution in your own words.

Course Schedule


Date Topic Details
Mon 08/28 Intro Benchmarking Project
Further Reading
Mon 09/02 OS Structure Reading: | Paper Review Format
Mon 09/09 Labor Day: No Class Reading:
Mon 09/16 Processes & Threads Benchmarking Paper Due
Mon 09/23 Concurrency Reading:
Mon 09/30 Data Races & Mutexes Reading:
Mon 10/07 Scheduling Reading:
Mon 10/14 Scheduling Reading
Mon 10/21 Memory & Memory Allocation Project Proposals Due
Mon 10/28 Memory & Memory Allocation Reading
Mon 11/04 Virtual Memory & Paging Reading
Mon 11/11 Virtual Memory & Paging Reading
Mon 11/18 No Class Final Project Draft Due
Referee Format
Mon 11/25 No Class Peer Reviews Due
Mon 12/02 Final Project Presentations Final Project Report Due